How to Determine The Size of an Above-Ground Rainwater Tank

Rainwater tanks are typically used to capture rain, which is where the name comes from. They can be used for various applications with various purposes. This includes using them for potable water reserves, utility water reserves, and agricultural reserves. Determining the size you need is mainly based on what you are using it for. It could be anything from a 1000 litre water tank to a 500l water tank. You may even need a 5000 litre water tank. But there are also other considerations that bring you to the necessary number.

Usage Determines Size

Rainwater tanks definitely come in handy for agricultural needs and save money on water supply operation, whether it is from the municipality or from a well system. When used in agriculture, the tanks can pump water as part of an irrigation system for their fields of crops or small gardens. It especially comes in handy during dry seasons or dry spells. In these cases, the larger, the better. A 1000 litre water tank may suffice or even several hooked together.

For potable water systems, the rainwater passes through a filtration system to provide water that is safe to drink. Depending on your potable usage, a 500l water tank may suffice. Will you use it for other things too, such as showers or animal baths? Will you use it to give the animals a drink? Will you use it in the home? If you have a high demand for potable water, a 1000 litre water tank is better. You may even need a 3000 litre tank if the demand is high enough.

When it comes to non-potable operations, it saves through the recycling of water to be used for washing farm and motor vehicles, spraying siding to clean it, cleaning farm areas where animals reside, washing the animals, or spraying the sidewalks and patios. The list could go on and on for uses. With that in mind, you should get one or more 1000 litre water tanks or possibly a bigger size yet.

Geographical Location Considerations for Rainwater Tanks

Aside from uses, your location on the map also determines the size you need. For areas with less rain, you won’t be able to use as much of the recycled water as you might want, mainly because there won’t be much. Therefore, a smaller size like a 500l water tank is the solution. Some areas get a ton of rain on a regular basis. That provides the opportunity for many different sizes to correlate with many different uses and others may not get to enjoy that. One thing you may have to also consider is the potential for dry spells. You might still want a larger tank, but a dry spell will reduce what you have.